2025 Predictions For AI Use In Biotech

By Tyler Menichiello, contributing editor
“I think it would be hard to identify any part of our economy that's not going to be impacted by AI,” says Kevin Caldwell, CEO, co-founder, and president of Ossium Health, in this segment from “Executive Roundtable: Cell Therapy Predictions For 2025 And Beyond.” Caldwell, Hamid Khoja, Ph.D., CSO at FibroBiologics, and Rob Williamson, president and CEO of Triumvira Immunologics, talk about the growing prevalence of AI and its implications for the industry. They share their thoughts on smart adoption and the need for regulatory guidance moving forward, and Williamson raises an important question: With more money and resources to implement AI, will Big Pharma gain an advantage over smaller biotech companies in the long run?