Inline Conditioning For Process Chromatography

Cytiva has delivered a wide range of IC systems for researchers and process engineers who need to formulate buffer solutions precisely at the time of use using stock solutions of the buffer components, providing a reproducible, fully automated IC process.
Current trends in manufacturing biopharmaceuticals have put demands on securing increased buffer supplies delivered at precise times and at correct concentration and flow rates. To meet these demands, advanced technologies such as inline conditioning (IC) have gained increasing interest, not only because they reduce the need for large storage tanks, but also because IC can deliver correct solutions for a specific process need at a lowered total cost of ownership.
Cytiva has delivered a wide range of IC systems, providing a reproducible, fully automated IC process.
Advantages of inline conditioning include:
- Secured, timely mixing of different solutions by a single system
- Automated IC process increases reproducibility
- Allows for use of smaller tanks or disposable bags
- Reduces or eliminates the need for CIP and WFI demands
- PAT-based IC process technology
- Provides better process economics
- Easy method set-up and IC control with UNICORN
Inline conditioning (IC) is a solution for researchers and process engineers who need to formulate buffer solutions precisely at the time of use, using stock solutions of the buffer components. When using inline conditioning, the storage of prepared buffer is eliminated (thus reducing facility space limitations) and the time and effort to transport and maintain buffer containers are reduced.
Another advantage of Inline conditioning is that by including the buffer preparation within the chromatography run, all relevant data for buffer characteristics and for the run itself are recorded by the control software at the same time, resulting in one batch record for both operations. Cytiva’s inline conditioning technology provides a number of advantages to biopharmaceutical producers.
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