
Global BioServices: Kit Production Services

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The new Global Supply Chain Centers from Cryoport Systems offer curated, centrally managed kitting solutions to help maximize the quality of your biologic samples and mitigate risk during collection.

Cryoport combines its expertise in temperature-controlled supply chain solutions to develop a comprehensive offering of vein-to-vein services, one of which includes Kit Production. From clinical to commercial, our team works directly with your team to curate the specific kitting components for manufacturing, testing and clinical use. Developing a standardized and high-quality kitting solution requires the same level of attention as every other step in the collection, transportation and distribution process. In order to mitigate risk when focusing on kitting, it is imperative that all components are centrally managed and distributed. Cryoport has an experienced team that can work with you to develop a custom blood sample kit that fits your clinical or commercial needs. Implementing a centrally managed kitting solution helps to maximize the quality of your biological samples. It reduces inconsistencies in labels, vials, needles, tubes and other kit components, while also reducing unforeseen variables such as expiration dates and lot numbers for all global collections.


Kit Production For A Variety Of Blood Samples:  Production Service Offerings: 
Apheresis Kit Design Services
Blood Collection Component Procurement
Drug Administration  Inventory Management
Manufacturing Labeling & Distribution



Cryoport is experienced in developing a high-quality and responsive kit sourcing service, combined with full traceability. From standard kitting to a fully customized kit solution, Cryoport can work with your team, in collaboration with investigator sites to design your kits and related documentation to meet your specific needs.