• FDA FY2019 Human Tissue And Cell Therapy Observations And Trends

    Very soon after publication of the FY2018 data on human tissue and cell therapy products, the FDA released the data from FY2019, which we address here. We examine data from FY2019 and a total of five years’ worth of trends in GMP inspection enforcement in this area. The regulations that govern this area, 21 CFR 1271, are the same regulations that govern segments of human cell therapy and gene therapy products. Human cell and gene therapy products are part of FDA’s Regenerative Medicine framework.

  • FDA FY2018 Human Tissue And Cell Therapy Observations And Trends

    This article presents the most recent publication of GMP Human Tissue for Transplantation Form 483 observation data from the FDA. We examine data from FY2018 and evaluate a total of four years’ worth of trends in GMP inspection enforcement in this area.

  • An Analysis Of FDA FY2017 Drug GMP Warning Letters

    FY2017 saw another year of increase in the number of drug GMP warning letters issued by the FDA, though not as dramatic a difference as between FY2015 and FY2016. This article presents a detailed summary of those warning letters, as well as a comparison of trends since fiscal year 2013.

barbara Unger headshot

Barbara Unger


Barbara Unger formed Unger Consulting, Inc. in December 2014 to provide GMP auditing and regulatory intelligence services to the pharmaceutical industry. She has extensive expertise in this area having developed, implemented, and maintained the GMP regulatory intelligence program for eight years at Amgen Inc. This included surveillance, analysis, and communication of GMP related legislation, regulations, guidance, and industry compliance enforcement trends. Barbara was the first chairperson of the Rx-360 Monitoring and Reporting work group (2009 to 2014) that summarized and published relevant GMP and supply chain related laws, regulations, and guidance. She also served as the chairperson of the Midwest Discussion Group GMP-Intelligence sub-group from 2010 to 2014.

  Before Amgen, Barbara worked for the consulting firm Don Hill and Associates, providing regulatory and quality services to the pharmaceutical industry, and for Eli Lilly and Company in quality and CMC regulatory affairs positions. She began her career in the pharmaceutical / device industry with Hybritech Inc. and received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois in Urbana Illinois.